Art Teachers
- Joe Cornwell
- Matt Rogers
- Samantha Strathy
Current Art Course Offerings 2022-2023
- Art I
- Drawing and Painting I Honors (prereq: Art I)
- Advanced Drawing and Painting II Honors (prereq: Drawing & Painting I)
- Ceramics I Honors (prereq: Art I)
- Advanced Ceramics II Honors (prereq: Ceramics I)
- Graphic Design I Honors (prereq: Art I)
- Graphic Design II Honors (prereq: Graphic Design I)
- Art III Honors (prereq: Draw/Paint I&II, or Grap. Des I&II, or Ceramics I&II)
- AP 2D Art and Design, AP 3D Art and Design, and AP Drawing (prereq: Art III & Teacher Recommendation)
- Art IV Honors (prereq. Art I, II, & III)
NEW: Yearbook will be switching to the Art Department starting 2023-2024 school year!